Hate Crime

Racism in Halifax RLFC

A concerned member of the public has brought to our attention some very troubling issues of racism and race hate ...
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BNP Member and Grenfell Tower Tragedy

Warning - some distressing content in this article Charlotte Lewis is a long time BNP supporter and member and boasts ...
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21,500 Reasons Not To Vote Conservative

When atrocity happens right in the middle of an election campaign it is a knee jerk reaction for some to ...
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The Comfort of Spirituality

Guest article from a Pagan - Thank you to Brigantia for sharing these beautiful words with us. After a day ...
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Tragedy Is Not A Free Pass To Spout Hate

For those who seem to have forgotten this critical point within the first few hours of the news breaking of ...
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The Issue of Weight Hate

As co founder of anti hate group Resisting Hate and particularly as the non anonymous member of the group it ...
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Britain First Using Lee Rigby To Spread Hate

Britain First's latest stunt has really frustrated meĀ for a number of reasons: 1. Lee Rigby's mother has already said on ...
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Should The Niqab Be Banned? (We Discuss)

Resisting Hate discussing the right of women to dress as they please ...
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Threats from Far Right Haters

Updated 17.12.2017 As one of the founders of Resisting Hate I receive numerous threats, death threats and abusive messages daily ...
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Acceptance And Understanding

As a co founder of anti hate group Resisting Hate I encounter prejudice every day. Social media is rife with ...
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Robinson and McLoughlin’s ‘Quran’

If you wanted to read a layman's guide to the Quran chances are you would expect that guide to be ...
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Katie Hopkins Your Hate Has Gone Too Far

Accustomed as I am to reading the attention seeking articles and tweets from Katie Hopkins with a sharp intake of ...
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