We have been informed today that Jonathan Jennings – self proclaimed You Tube blogger (The White Genocide Podcast) and full time hater from Swansea has been charged with 6 counts of Racially Aggravated Speech and 4 counts of malicious communications.
He has not entered a plea at Llanelli Magistrates Court, but has been bailed to appear for a plea hearing at Swansea Crown Court on the 18th May.
We will keep you up to date on this one as we have a vested interest in this case. Jennings posted co founder Roanna’s personal details and asked far right haters to attack her at her home address. He has also made defamatory comments about Resisting Hate.
Early reports suggest it is his threats to Remain supporter Gina Miller that have caused the CPS to prosecute him.
We have some background on Jennings here .

Background in Investigative journalism. Mum. Christian. I’m better than nobody and nobody is better than me.