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Haters fall for #ImWithTWAT Hashtag Trick


It is not often we get a really good laugh in the world of anti hate activism. Being bombarded with the kind of hate and rubbish we see on a daily basis can be a gruelling grind. So when a bit of light hearted relief comes our way we make the most of it. Particularly when the butt of the joke is the haters themselves…

There is an extremely funny parody of hate preacher convicted fraudster Stephen Yaxley-Lennon on Twitter. The account clearly labels itself a parody and even has the word ‘parody’ it its handle. However despite the account making it as obvious as possible he is not the real convicted fraudster Stephen Yaxley-Lennon (who Resisting Hate helped get suspended from Twitter) the far right knuckle draggers who support Robinson insist on believing he is the real thing.

So the parody account decided to have a bit of fun and posted this:

Now I don’t know how optimistic the parody was that anyone would fall for this or whether it was just a joke but the response was hilarious. The far right really fell for it as these screenshots prove.

Thanks for the laugh 🙂


1 Comment

  • Brilliant, rolling around at that. The knuckle draggers don’t understand long words.,😂😂😂

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