Watch Tommy Robinson Admit His Donations Are Dead


Tommy Robinson has not had the best of years. He’s been deplatformed across all mainstream social media, the main fundraising pages including PayPal have banned him, he lost his court case suiing the police, he’s been convicted of contempt of court, he’s lost 5k of his 51k followers on Telegram, he’s been forced to sell his home (and dropped the price twice already), he’s served a prison sentence and now he is being sued for defamation by a bullied schoolboy.

You’d think Robinson by this point would have learned to keep his mouth shut. But he hasn’t. And judging by the defamatory nonsense he’s spewed onto Telegram this morning it looks like things are about to get a whole lot worse for the violent little gnome.

Here he admits that the court costs he is facing are significantly more than he expected and the donations he was hoping would flow freely from his gullible fash supporters have failed to materialise.

To use a nautical metaphor, this is a man in a leaky boat who has drunk all the rum and sold both his oars.


1 Comment

  • Tommy is a twat but he is not as thick as Vinnie Sullivan

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