For some time Resisting Hate have been targeted by angry far right mobs who object to our views and our determination to remove hate speech from Twitter. Our main account was suspended for posting this meme which Twitter deemed to be abusive.
We then lost our back up and my personal account due to running multiple accounts.
Mass reporting (although Twitter deny it) can be very effective. It is easy to trick the Twitter algorithms by reporting content in a certain way. While we are not hypocritical enough to condemn organised mass reporting 😉 it is a shame that some of these organised teams focus their energies into promoting hate speech rather than fighting it.
Although this is not the casualty for Resisting Hate that the far right would like it to be, it is a frustration as the meme we posted is nothing like the extremist hate speech that we are reporting daily. This is the kind of content Twitter have left up while they have taken our group account down.
However, frustrations aside there are still a lot of positives. We had anticipated that our Twitter account would be targeted and have built our infrastructure outside the primary Twitter platform. We have a very strong email network who receive an email a day from us identifying hate across a wide range of social media platforms and reporting it where appropriate. (If you would like to join this please email
Our website now incorporates a page where people can view up to date live content on content we do not believe should be in the public sphere . We have a Whatsapp group (ping 07482559129 for an invite to join), a presence on Instagram, Google Plus and Tumblr in addition to an established Resisting Hate Facebook page. I also publish group articles on Huffington Post periodically and we have excellent contacts with a wide range of individuals and organisations who support us in promoting our positive, hate combating content.
We also have our network of Twitter chat groups which have not been affected by the suspension of our group account and who are identifying hate speech and reporting as business as usual.
Going forward we will maintain a Resisting Hate presence on Twitter but we will wait until the appeal for our suspension has been decided. In accordance with Twitter ToS the group account will be run by one person who will have no additional Twitter accounts.
Ironically this has been one of the best weeks for suspended hate accounts we have had in a long time. A lot of haters should be very worried as Twitter is finally starting to take decisive action on the platform. And as long as there are people out there openly calling for violence and hate toward our Muslim, Jewish, LGBT (and many other) communities then our ever growing membership will continue to report hate speech to deny bigots the opportunity to spread their bile.
Roanna Carleton Taylor
Roanna Carleton Taylor is one of the founder members of Resisting Hate. She is the author of many of our articles, and also writes occasionally for other media publications including Huff Post, Byline Times and Immigration News. Roanna loves German Shepherd Dogs and Oil Painting.
Jews are Nazis?
How do you come up with THAT?!
These are not bright people, lol