Far-right organiser of the march – Danny Tommo – real name Daniel Thomas was exposed in 2016 as a convicted (albeit bungled) kidnapper. He was jailed for two years for his part in the crime.
As the Portsmouth article detailing the kidnap is behind a pay wall we have reproduced it at the bottom of this RH article in full.
Tommo claims on his Facebook page that by organising this march, he is fighting against ‘The Establishment’. However as the video below shows, he struggles to formulate a cohesive argument, even forgetting the main point he is supposed to be arguing! Thugs generally don’t make the best spokespeople for political protests…
Tommo is also something of a hypocrite. In this video he tells us HOW VERY ANGRY he was when a person got punched in the face, while conveniently forgetting his own criminal history for punching the victim of his kidnap.
Not exactly the face of reasoned argument is he…
With the likes of criminals like Robinson and Tommo blundering into British politics it has never been more important to play a part in standing up to hate and to make the voice of the rational British public heard above the howling of the haters.
When these idiots march on the streets we need decent people out there too, fighting hate and resisting fascism. Join the Counter Protest.

Background in Investigative journalism. Mum. Christian. I’m better than nobody and nobody is better than me.
[…] of the men was ‘Tommy Robinson’s’ supporter Daniel Thomas, who frequently protests with the far-right UK “yellow vests” group in […]
Hiya I have not been to any demo’s due to my disability and financial difficulties. However I have been a support of Tommy from the start. Because of this I have had the usual name calling and from the point of TR.News was formed i have consistently been donating £5 a month, yes a couple months went by where I had insufficient funds but most recent ly I haven’t failed on the last few payments. I dont know what I can help with and I live in Somerset where there isn’t much support. I do know of a few people like minded to me but like I said due to my disability and financial difficulties but I would like to help. I have tried to look at registering but I’m guessing this is the first step. If i don’t qualify I understand and wish you the very best and will continue my support the best I can.
Steve Lewis
FB username is, Steve Lewis (stumpy)
I suspect you are in the wrong place if you are looking for info in how to support Tommy Robinson!
We think he’s a racist no hoper.
The irony of resisting hate, spewing hate on people. Wouldn’t it be better to treat people a Jesus did with compassion and to listen to their perceived grievances and offer a counter point of view?