Earlier this year an individual with very different beliefs and views to myself agreed to an interview with Resisting Hate. I have reproduced it below with only minor alterations for spelling. It is important to understand the journey to extremism and to understand the motivations of those who undertake it. It goes without saying that neither Resisting Hate nor myself endorse the opinions expressed here.
1. Prior to being on Telegram what social media platforms did you use? What were your views?
Far Right Respondent
1. Prior to Telegram I wasn’t really on much social media, had Facebook and that was about it. My views were left wing, I didn’t have a problem with Islam, and thought that Isis were just extremists who took the Quran out of context etc. But, my life changed when I started watching Tommy Robinson videos. The way he was portrayed for merely criticising Islam. I then decided to do more research for myself, and what I found horrified me. Verse upon verse in the Quran commanding for non believers to be killed. I also took a look at the real, uncensored history of how Islam spread through the Middle East, committing genocide against anyone that opposed it. How the crusades were simply a response to the Islamic threat to the Christian west and the genocide of Christians in the east. I started finding things out that the corrupt education system doesn’t want you to know. From then on I decided enough was enough, and have been a patriotic Christian ever since. (I was an atheist before, amongst all the research I also came to find faith in Christ). The treatment of Britain First also opened my eyes, Paul Golding has faced state persecution much like Tommy has.
2. How did you first become aware of Tommy Robinson videos and what drew you to watching them?
Far Right Respondent
2. I first came across Tommy Robinson randomly. I stumbled across an old English Defence League video. Found out Tommy was once the leader (He left the EDL though, and for the right reasons, too much drunkenness and Nazi like behaviour). I guess curiosity drew me to start watching them, and I am glad I did start watching them. What is happening to our country is disgusting, and the fact people are persecuted for simply being patriots and nationalists is disgusting.
3. What elements of Robinsons belief culture made you identify with him?
Far Right Respondent
3. Very simple. His opposition to Islam. That is what made me ‘Identify with him’.
4. Did you know much about Islam before being introduced to Robinson’s videos?
Far Right Respondent
4. No, all I knew about Islam was what you are brainwashed to believe, which is that it is peaceful and loving. Of course, the real Islam is barbaric and dangerous. As I say, I found out how dangerous Islam was when I found out things that the education system doesn’t want you to know. Much like how since coming on telegram I have also uncovered a lot more things I had no idea about.
5. In addition to watching Tommy Robinson videos what other media/books/materials did you use to form your opinions on Islam?
Far Right Respondent
5. In addition to Tommy Robinson videos.
-The Quran
-The Bible
-History (Crusades, finding out about islamic conquest of land, the fall of Constantinople etc).
-Britain first videos.
6. How do you reconcile a dislike of 1.8 billion people with the teachings of Christ?
Far Right Respondent
6. Quite easily. I pray for Muslims daily. I pray they will become Christian. Let us not forget, Christ loved people, and hated vile ideology. Also, people seem to forget certain times in the Bible. Like when Jesus made himself a whip and physically drove people out of the temple. I also remember that Christians have fought wars with Muslims for centuries, but you must remember, even when the crusaders had battles with Muslims, they would have prayed for the Muslims to come to faith in Christ. You can make a Biblical case for war when the lives on innocent people are on the line. And innocent lives are on the line, and they have been for centuries, because Islam doesn’t discriminate between combatants and non combatants, they will kill you either way
7. Do you feel that adopting Robinsons position on Islam clashes with Christ’s commandment to love thy neighbour? Do you believe Christ meant exclusions to that directive to be made?
Far Right Respondent
7. It is possible to both oppose Islam and but have some love for Muslims. Praying that Muslims find Jesus is keeping with the commandment of love thy neighbour. Let’s take for example when people like Tommy, Paul Golding etc. go and confront Muslim extremists face to face, that act is not contrary to the gospel. Jesus himself rebuked people on their vile behaviour. By confronting and rebuking the vile behaviour and ideas of Muslim extremists, they are simply doing what Christ would do. If anyone simply opposes the vile ideology of Islam, they are only doing what Christ would do if he were on this earth today. This whole idea of love thy neighbour is easily to reconcile with a genuine dislike/hatred for an evil ideology, Christians have known how to reconcile the two for centuries.
8. At what point did you find Telegram?
Far Right Respondent
8. I can’t remember when exactly I found Telegram. When I first got it though I remember not being that active on it. But as time went on I became more active on it and found out a lot more things
9. What were the first groups you joined on Telegram. And did you use the platform for any non political interests?
Far Right Respondent
9. The first groups I joined on Telegram were to do with Tommy Robinson and Britain First. Obviously I gradually started joining other groups as time went on. And my whole use of Telegram has been to do with Nationalism and Patriotism.
10. What first made you think that being a Tommy Robinson supporter wasn’t working for you?
Far Right Respondent
10. I have never stopped supporting Tommy Robinson. I have had issues with certain people from the Tommy crowd on Telegram, and to this day I think those people are actually left wing infiltrators and not to be trusted. But that has not affected my support for the man himself.
11. When did you first encounter Ethnonationalism? What were your initial thoughts?
Far Right Respondent
11. EthnoNationalism. I first encountered it on Telegram from various people. At first I was very staunchly against it, however over time I have realised EthnoNationalism really isn’t what the left wing say it is.
12. Tell me how you define Ethnonationalism.
Far Right Respondent
12. Well for me it is simply Nationalism which places more importance on Ethnicity than ‘Civic’ nationalism would do.
13. Can you explain a bit more the differences between Civic and Ethno Nationalists and how you understand them to fit into right wing political movements
Far Right Respondent
13. There are people out there with more knowledge on it than me. My understanding is limited. All I would say is Civic Nationalism promotes more tolerance than Ethno Nationalism. Also Civic Nationalism tends to not be occupied with the demographic replacement of White people for example, whereas that is at the forefront of EthnoNationalism. In terms of how they fit into ‘Right wing’ political movements, there are far more EthnoNationalist political movements on mainland Europe than here in the UK.
14. When did you become involved with the Antisemitic groups on Telegram? What attracted you to it?
Far Right Respondent
14. I first became what you would call ‘Antisemitic’ upon reading the Talmud. It is frankly a vile book which promotes pedophilia and contains horrendous blasphemy. I was once a staunch defender of Judaism, but not now. Not since reading the Talmud. I also became aware that there have been Jews who admit on camera that there are Jewish organisations who are behind sending third world Islamic migrants into Europe, I am not saying that Jews are behind all of it, I am only saying what I have seen. I have also had personal experience of Jews running from debate and slandering me for simply asking them about the pedophilia contained in the Talmud. I will say though, just for the record, I am not one of these Holocaust Deniers, I do think the Holocaust happened, and I do not advocate for genocide of Jews at all, therefore I think the holocaust was a horrible event. I merely think that Judaism and Jews should be criticised, without people being labelled as Nazis. My opinion on Jews is that I will pray for them to come to Jesus, just like I pray Muslims will. However, I have no respect for the vile Talmud, and I have no respect for Jews who slander people and avoid debate. Do I think Jews are a massive problem, not necessarily, I think Islam is far more of a issue, but the Talmud and the Jewish people should not be above criticism.
15. You have spoken of having views so extreme they would shock people. Can you describe these extreme opinions?
Far Right Respondent
15. I will not be mentioning all of those opinions, as freedom of speech is dead in this country. I don’t want to commit genocide though, we are not talking that extreme. However one opinion I will mention which some may see as extreme is my opinion on the Buddhist Community. This is an opinion not shared by many on the right and a very personal one of mine. I would personally want a mass repatriation of all Buddhists in this country. I have personally been on the receiving end of a campaign of harassment and hate at the hands of Buddhists on Telegram due to my critique on their culture and beliefs. It is quite unknown, but Buddhism has a dark side, a very dark side. I have also read somewhere about Buddhist control of the media. I think there is a lot more to Buddhism that they tell you. They should be repatriated, sent back to their own land. Some may find that extreme and a bit out there, but it is just my view. There are some nice Buddhists out there, but they can be very bad.
16. You use the word ‘kike’ which has very antisemitic associations. Why do you use hate speech?
Far Right Respondent
16. Yeah I do use the word kike. However I only use it for certain Jews, those who are really vile. If we are talking a normal Jew, I will simply call them a Jew. However Jews who defend pedophilia, slander etc. I will call kike. And I know of Jews on telegram who deliberately slander people to shut down criticism of Judaism, and I do know of Jews on here who actually defend pedophilia. But I only use the word kike for those sorts of Jews.
17. In a period of just a few months you have gone on a journey from left wing views to far right extremist views. Do you consider yourself to have been radicalised?
Far Right Respondent
17. I wouldn’t say it has been a few months at all. This has been a very long process. The start of me being on the ‘right wing’ which I spoke about earlier happened in mid to late 2016/early 2017. And no I do not consider myself radicalised. I think I have found out truth, simple as that. People on the left would claim I have been radicalised, and people on the left will call my views far right and extreme. All I want is the best for my people, my race, and my nation. And in my view the majority of people on the left are traitors.
18. Define left wing and why you believe the left wing are traitors.
Far Right Respondent
18- The left wing promote Liberal agendas and tend to hate traditional views of patriotism. I believe the left wing are traitors because they very often side with ideologies like Islam, which calls for our death. People like Antifa attack people just for loving their country. And if the left want to promote, defend, and side with ideologies which want the destruction of our land and our people then frankly they are traitors.
20. Who loves their country more, the person who loves all the people or the person who only loves some of them?
Far Right Respondent
20. We are talking ideology. Not people. People like us who despise Islam (which wants us dead), we are the people who love our country more.
21. And finally the future. Having gone to the extreme far right how do you think this will impact your life, career and relationships? Any regrets?
Far Right Respondent
21. I think it will have a impact on my life. We are at war, it is a war which has been going on for centuries. I have no doubt my views will affect relationships with people, but plenty of people are waking up to the threat that is facing our country. I will always be happy to talk and dialogue with people about my views. I have no regrets.

Roanna Carleton Taylor is one of the founder members of Resisting Hate. She is the author of many of our articles, and also writes occasionally for other media publications including Huff Post, Byline Times and Immigration News. Roanna loves German Shepherd Dogs and Oil Painting.
Thank you for conducting this interview. I hope this person realizes that he was radicalized eventually. How can you learn “the truth” in a matter of months? It is remarkable just what a high opinion of themselves and fellow members radical groups foster.