Why Resisting Hate Oppose Judy Gatiss and the ‘Gatiss Gang’


The internet row between Judy Gatiss, her group of self proclaimed victims and a large number of anti fascists and socialists has been raging on social media for over nine months now.

I am going to show you, using nothing but their own words, why Resisting Hate have continued to expend time and energy on this group of people.

Racism and hatred occur in all community groups. It is my personal opinion, based on the evidence below that several members of this group of people (which includes individuals who have mocked Black women, used the terms “KKKCathy” “Coconut” “Bounty” “Raccoonthy” and Coon” to describe Black women, photoshopped antifascists and People of Colour into Ku Klux Klan photos, referred to Asian people as ‘Masala Munchers’, white people as “Talcum” and ‘Vanilla Chinchillas’ and even gone as far as to impersonate an African Black woman with an exaggerated and offensive video parody of her accent) are racists. The evidence presented also suggests to my mind that some of these individuals are ableist, antisemtic and islamophobic.

Resisting Hate stands against racists. Whatever your race, whatever your colour, if you are racist we will oppose you.

Tweets by Jaarzina Powell

Tweets by Tanya Byfield

Tweets by Judy Gatiss/ Judy Gatiss Freeman

Rudy Gatiss

Tweets by Naren Litchfield

Other individuals who tweet with the ‘Gatiss Gang’ including Jacqueline Atta, Alice Pinder, Roy Sholay and others.

Update – the Gatiss Gang Fundraiser

Tanya Byfield and Jaazina Powell started a fundraiser on Go Fund Me. It is my belief this fundraiser is fraudulent. I base this belief on the tweets of an individual formerly in the Gatiss Gang clique who has since defected and posted his views on their campaign. He speaks of the abuse he received when he suggested he would share details of a ‘campaign meet8ing’ with Gatiss, Byfield and Powell which is describes as “toxic and cultish.”

It is also my belief that the individuals running a campaign to sue random socialists and antifascists are lying. I base this belief on these two tweets (below). The first claims a solicitor has been consulted, the second a few days later confirms no solicitor has been consulted. The second clearly confirms the first is a lie.

The ignorance demonstrated by these two tweets below (from the campaign acc) claiming solicitor fees would cost less as they have gathered so much evidence (!!) suggests no solicitor has been sought. Which brings the purpose of the fundraiser into doubt.

I would also question why this campaign to ‘sue socialists’ has gone into clothing production. I would be interested to know if the source of the funding for the clothing is the funds raised by donations to the campaign.

I would consider both Judy Gatiss and Jaazina Powell to have form for fraud based on these two tweets below. Gatiss has forged an image of an RH article written by myself and amended the title to make it appear racist. Powell has doctored an image of an Dm discussion I posted. Her commentary boasts how easy it is to create false images on Twitter. In light of these lies I find it hard to believe anything these women claim.

Abuse and Racist Bullying from the Gatiss Gang

This is a selection of screen shots from individuals targeted by the Gatiss gang. I do not call these people victims as they are strong independent people who have taken the abuse in their stride. However I am concerned that if a weaker person is ever targeted the consequences could be very different.

Roanna Carleton Taylor


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