Categories: AllHate Crime

Threats toward our American Admin at RH

November 3, 2017

It’s been one year since I first went public about the death threats I received targeting Jews and minorities online. I remember the one posted below specifically because it arrived on my birthday.

My dear friends at Resisting Hate were on this before I even woke up so I didn’t have to see it on my special day.

This year I received a number of Swastikas and Nazi images once again. But I also received many messages of love and gratitude for using my voice and experience to combat online hate speech and community activism.

I thought maybe it was time for a brief Update.

Last year, November 1
I wrote this piece for the site talking about the personal prejudice I have received as a Jewish person.



This year, November 3

For my friends and family who were concerned for my safety and well being when I received death threats and targeted harassment from Trump supporters just before and after the election, let me assure you that I am doing well and I appreciate your concern.

Thank you so much for your support and kind words. Noticing that post my friend commented on was written 12 months ago. Maybe it’s time for an update.

We will have a lot of healing to do when Trump leaves office. As the Mueller investigation is closing in around him it seems that Trump’s reign of terror is coming to a close. I’ve noticed a big uptick in the number of Swastikas and hateful comments I’m receiving and I’m hearing stories of Swastikas in the bathroom at my high school.

They are moving their hate from online forums into real life rallies where they carry torches, Confederate and Nazi flags, and GUNS.

This is not okay. Many people are afraid. I choose to use my real name and identity when discussing these things because I refuse to be intimidated by anonymous bullies and keyboard warriors who make threats against me in the real world.

If you are targeted; and too afraid to reveal your identity and fear for your safety, contact us. We are here to help. Our email is and you can find us at on Facebook and on Twitter @resistinghate

Much love to you today. For standing by me during this terrifying experience I thank you.


“The American Admin”

Chillieh ?
Resisting Hate

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