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Britain First Banned from Facebook


Today Facebook bowed to pressure from anti hate organisations and deleted the page of Britain First. This anti Muslim hate page had amassed over 2 million followers (most of whom had been duped into following the page via click bait tactics).

The message to the far right, the alt right, the extreme right and every other idiot who thinks it acceptable to demonise and abuse communities in our country is a clear one. If you spread hate you are on the wrong side of the law (note both founders of Britain First are currently serving jail sentences) and you are acting immorally. Your actions will catch up with you and you will NOT be allowed to continue to sow the seeds of discord and hate within our country.

Facebook we thank you for this decision.

We would also like to thank co founder Halal Kitty who has worked tirelessly on this one and who has been active in joining and organising much of the opposition against this hate group.

To everyone who condemns hate – this is a victory for you all. And proof that nobody is too big to fail.


Roanna Carleton Taylor

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  • Outstanding. Facebook was their core recruiting and fundraising tool. They are now headless and without an ic=ncome stream :_)

      • You say that but all your time was into getting rid of patriots
        Honesty how much time have you put into the ones that behead people.... Me thinks zero

        • Derek, when someone opens a Facebook page organising mass beheadings in the UK I promise you I will be the first in the queue to get it shut down for hate speech.

  • Hate is a human emotion and needs to be talked down not just banned from the web as that smacks of facist dogmar

  • In Australia we have an organisation that exists for the sole purpose of raising funds for Britain First. You might try to de-monetise them but you will never succeed. By the way, Facebook is not their main media outlet, for those of us who subscribe to there cause.

  • Thank goodness Facebook has finally made a decision that is based on common sense.
    To those people who want to promote this kind of hatred, we as sensible will not and never surrender to your 'campaign' of utter hatred and intolerance.
    As a person who suffers from a medical disorder for much of my personal life, organisations such as 'Britain First', whose objectives to prey on fear and loathing should never be allowed to appear on social media.

  • You confuse truth and free speech with your twisted ideas of an upside down society. Way to go. Soon you will realize err of your uniformed ways.

    • The rubbish Britain First was posting was neither truth nor free speech, it was hate and incitement to violence. The removal of their page is a clear indication that hate is not welcome on social media. These were the first to topple, there will be many more to follow.

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